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Monday, September 14, 2009

Super Crazy Bad

So yeah. Where do I even begin?

Let's see a call that there will be no carpool came at about 6am.

Then wake the small people, big one sleeps in and only has 20 minutes to get ready. She thought I would let her shower...yeah, we've gotta go in 15 minutes, right.

Drive her to school.

Small one says "I forgot snack, Mommy." Well shit, off to the store we go...she zeroes in a wants cantaloupe, whatever, let's just go!

We get to school. Small one throws the fit to end all fits that she doesn't want to go to school. In the parking lot. In front of everyone. On. The. Ground. Kicking. And. Screaming.

I start to walk her to class. My flip flop breaks. Good lord. I take my shoes off.

So here I am, dragging my screaming daughter down the hall with a grocery bag for her snack bag and holding my shoes in my hands. Walmart moment from hell!!!

What the fuck?!?! I had plans after that, but figured if I went I would never make it alive. So home is where I headed.


Rockin said...

Ooof, that's a rough start to a day. I hope you have happier mornings. *hugs*

September 14, 2009 at 11:24 PM
Alley said...

My day finally got better, but geeze all that before 8:30am was way too much for me.

September 15, 2009 at 12:14 AM